Passive classroom-based training: Is it fit for purpose when it comes to Cybersecurity?

In this episode, we are discussing how can we keep training from becoming outdated and interesting? How can we as professionals continuously hone our skills, get to grips with new threats, and become familiar with the latest tools and techniques? In short, how can we practically keep up with training, do our day job and still stay one step ahead of the attackers?

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Episode Summary:

Traditional prevention strategies are proving less effective against the threat of modern, multi-stage ransomware. Unfortunately – ransomware attacks are here to stay. So, as we try to defend from attackers, what is the best defence strategy for multistage ransomware attacks?

Key discussion points: 

  • Ransomware – how It works and how is it evolving – Multistage, kits online
  • Who is targeted for a ransomware attack – is any organisation safe?
  • What are we seeing from our customers
  • What do we need to look out for?
  • Ransomware best practise protection?
  • Should you ever pay the ransom?
  • How can Cybereason protect our customers?
  • How it dectect and prevents with REvil, LockBit.2.0, Avaddon, Prometheus, Darkside, RansomExx etc.
  • Cybereason defence platform

Host: Phil Howe & Kelly Allen
Guest Speaker: Ade Culley
Sponsor: Cybereason

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