Embracing AI in Cyber security: Enhancing Cyber Calmness and Empowering Human Experts

AI is not replacing you. The person using AI to help with their job is replacing you…

Cool as a cucumber…. Calm and composed….. Level headed…. 

These are all sentences you don’t necessarily expect to be associated with a cyber security attack. Phrases such as “running around like a headless chicken” are often more associated with these types of situations.

The Importance of Staying Cyber Calm

But we want to change the rhetoric.

At Core to Cloud, we want you to remain calm in the face of an emerging cyber threat or cyber security issue because we can be the most effective when we remain calm. When we can think clearly and not get engulfed by fear of anxiety, we can make better and quicker decisions that can lower the overall impact of the threat.

Harnessing AI for Cybersecurity

It may seem like an impossible task to remain cyber calm while you are getting alerts left, right, and centre, but at Core to Cloud, we recognise that you need software that supports you to remain calm and centred. Within our portfolio of cyber security software, tools and platforms, we have some amazing AI-driven options, as AI supports the fight against cyber security threats and ensures that we can remain more calm.

The Power of AI in Cybersecurity

AI is becoming integral to cybersecurity by providing valuable support in various areas. One significant area is threat detection and prevention. With the ability to analyse large volumes of data, AI algorithms can quickly identify patterns, anomalies, and indicators of potential cyber threats. Machine learning models can be trained to recognise malicious activities like malware infections, intrusion attempts, or abnormal network behaviour.

Improving Incident Response and Threat Hunting with AI

AI-powered systems can also improve incident response and threat hunting. By leveraging automation and machine learning, security teams can sift through vast amounts of security logs, network traffic, and system events to identify and respond to threats more efficiently. AI can help prioritize alerts, provide real-time threat intelligence, and assist in decision-making during incident response.

Enhancing User Behavior Analytics

Another application of AI in cybersecurity is in the field of user behaviour analytics. Machine learning algorithms can establish a baseline of normal behaviour for users, devices, or systems and identify deviations that may indicate potential threats or insider attacks. AI can detect anomalies in user access patterns, privilege escalation attempts, or data exfiltration, helping mitigate unauthorised access risks.

AI Streamlining Operations for Efficiency

AI in cybersecurity enhances efficiency and focus by streamlining operations and automating repetitive tasks. We all need more time, and we all need more energy (there is not enough caffeine in reality, is there?), and by using AI systems and processes within your organisations and cyber security, you can give back time and energy to your team to allow them to be more efficient and cyber calm when it comes to a threat emerging.

Human Collaboration with AI

The robots are not going to take our jobs, honestly… They are a tool we can utilise to be better and more streamlined in our response to cyber security issues.

The Role of Human Expertise

Human oversight and input are essential for the proper functioning of AI tools and AI-powered platforms. While they are designed to automate tasks, they have limitations and may encounter situations they cannot handle independently. Therefore, human guidance and assistance are often necessary and required.

AI's Limitations and the Human Element

These types of tools are also not flawless and can make mistakes. Human intervention is required to correct errors and ensure accurate responses. We monitor and refine its performance, continuously training them to improve their capabilities and align with user needs. Due to their consistent updates and changes, these tools may struggle with unexpected or unfamiliar scenarios. Humans provide the expertise and adaptability needed to navigate such situations, offering solutions or escalating the matter to the appropriate channels.


AI supports cybersecurity by automating threat detection, analysing large volumes of data for anomalies, improving incident response, enhancing user behaviour analytics, identifying emerging threats, and strengthening authentication mechanisms. It streamlines processes, increases efficiency, and augments human capabilities to mitigate cyber risks effectively.

It is not a replacement for you or members of your team, but by failing to take note and understand how AI can support you will mean that you are not protecting your key assets in the most optimised way. At Core to Cloud, we can help you to see where AI-driven products or platforms can help you to stay ahead of the ever-emerging threats that threaten our IT landscapes. Connect with one of our team here (Contact).

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